The mechanical rough-in work also known as HVAC work (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) involves the installation of ductwork and HVAC equipment. This rough-in can be a complex network of pipes and vents that are hard to access and maintain after installation, and because of this, HVAC contractors need to get the system’s installation correct during the rough-in period.

At the HVAC rough-in phase, HVAC ductwork is installed, but no plumbing lines or electrical wires exist. The HVAC rough-in occurs first because it’s easier to install plumbing lines and electrical wires around HVAC ductwork. The HVAC contractor begins work by running ductwork in the attic, crawlspace, or basement. Once the ductwork is completed, the contractor sets the equipment, e.g., furnace, heat pump, and condenser unit.

What to Think About
If you desire a stove, hot water heater, or fireplace powered by gas, and there are no gas lines running to your new home, then you may want to consider adding a propane tank. And that means as part of your mechanical system, you will need to rough-in propane lines.